Why Time Lapse ?

Why make use of Time Lapse Photography for your Business

Why Time Lapse?

There are a number of reasons to use time lapse :

– With our online monitoring system “Date and time Stamped” images can be viewed and downloaded remotely to a cellphone or PC. This data is sent directly to our server when
the camera has taken a picture. A time lapse video of each day is produced for quick viewing and download of the days activities. This facility has proven to be of immense value
for projects located in remote areas around the world. Individuals logging into the same image can now discuss issues on site when situated in different locations around the world.

– Project progress over time

– Helps determine causes for failure/accidents

– Preventative approach to projects

– Helps determine project procedural weaknesses and time delays

– Great advertising tool for future business

– Can be used in cases of extreme issues where facts need to be determined

– Keeps an eye on things

– Learn from your mistakes

– Great tool for future development and improvement on existing procedures

Time Lapse have various applications and can appeal to Architects, Engineers, Project Managers, Property Developers, Building Contractors, Arbitration Lawyers, Contractual Disputes, Surveillance as well as assist with your Public Relations and Product Marketing.